14 April 2012

So what DOES make a great book great?

Good books? What makes a book good - or worth while spending your prescious few hours or minutes of leisure time with? Do books have to be good, or is it OK to read bad ones as well? I am pretty strict with myself when it comes to that question. Even though books are almost sacred in our home, carefully taken care of and thoroughly enjoyed - I don't want to fill my head with words that don't belong there. Yesterday I read the following by an LDS author - he is a novelist and screenwriter, with numerous bestsellers:

Defining Greatness by Michaelbrent Collings

So what DOES make a great book great? There are a lot of things. But first and foremost, I think, is simply this: a great book is one that people want to spend time with. And I’m not just talking about the time they put in reading it. A great book is one that we think about even when the covers are closed, one whose characters we wish we could meet well after the last chapter has been finished. It’s one that lives within us, and becomes not merely a part of what we have done, but a facet of who we have become.

To read the whole article go to http://www.ldspublisher.com/

So pick up a good book today,folks and enjoy!

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